
Thursday, June 30, 2022

An article on understanding Krishna's Vedic culture

ISKCON Deviants - the new East India Company
systematic undermining of Krishna’s vedic culture

- Lakshmi Narasimha Das

ISKCON has been a successful mission and institution growing all over the world in relatively a short time of 50 years with a following of over a million devotees. However, within 40 years of passing of Srila Prabhupada, the founder-Acharya of ISKCON, a systematic infiltration of western culture antithetical to scriptural injunctions is threatening the very fabric of Srila Prabhupada’s ISKCON institution. Over the last twenty years there has been an increasing pressure from the ISKCON deviants to systematically destroy the Krishna’s vedic culture and hijack ISKCON’s mission to drift swiftly towards the liberal western culture such as equal rights for women in all fields including the diksha guru positions and authorizing the LGBT union/marriages etc.,

The deviant leaders of ISKCON facilitate the detractors of Krishna’s vedic culture by appointing them to the top positions in decision making authorities such as GBC, board of directors, Temple president posts, and including the top position of the Sastric Advisory committees (SAC). They also systematically recruit devotees of Indian background/body and train them systematically to denounce Krishna’s vedic culture and promote non-Krishna’s vedic cultures and concepts such as Female Diksha Guru and make them into sepoys. 

Let us go through some obvious examples of such indoctrination of deviations based on  recent incidents.

Breaking Krishna’s vedic culture:

1. Consider the following conversation of  Srila Prabhupada during one of his morning walks, wherein he clearly sets the standards and expectations that men and women of his society are to follow:
Yogeśvara: So here's a problem: The women today want the same rights as men. How can they be satisfied?
Prabhupāda: Everything will be satisfied. Just like our women, Kṛṣṇa conscious, they are working. ***They don't want equal rights with the men. It is due to Kṛṣṇa consciousness.*** They are cleansing the temple, they are cooking very nicely. They are satisfied. They never said that "I have to go to Japan for preaching like Prabhupāda." They never say. This is artificial.

Morning walk, Rome, Aug 27, 1974
In this conversation, Srila Prabhupada clearly state that Krishna Conscious persons, especially ISKCON women, do not claim for equal rights and compete with men. He says that his female disciples do not demand for equal rights to men in the way of Female Diksha Guruship or travelling all over the world like Srila Prabhupada and his male disciples. Yet, direct female disciples of Srila Prabhupada like Urmila Devi Dasi, Malati Devi Dasi et. al, whom Srila Prabhupada directly referred in the above conversations, travel to all places all over the world alone without protection of husband or sons. They preach/encourage other women devotees at the places that they travel to develop independent qualities, demand to occupy the highest positions in GBC, temples and in SAC, fight to become and institute asastriya actions such as Female Diksa Guruship.

Not only female disciples of Srila Prabhupada, some of the male disciples such as Anuttama Prabhu and Bhakti Marga Swami Maharaja have been violating these instructions of Srila Prabhupada by words and actions.

In the Midterm General Meetings of GBC held in October 2019, at Tirupati ISKCON, Anuttama Prabhu, a GBC officer and minister for ISKCON communications, gave Srimad Bhagavatam class on the first day of the start of the GBC meetings. While he was singing, “Jaya Radha Madhava kirtan,” he gestured to a temple brahmacari something which the brahmacari could not figure out. Later at the end of the kirtan he started his impromptu sermon to all the vaishnavas seated in front, insulting them of not knowing any Vaishnava culture and etiquette. He accused them (who are born and brought up in Krsna’s Vedic culture) of improper Vaishnava etiquette by sitting in front rows of Srimad Bhagavatam classes and showing their backs to matajis who are seated at the back. He even cursed that such actions will only earn them re-birth in female bodies for such grave aparadhas. He stated that having great, sincere, strict followers of Srila Prabhupada such as Malati Prabhu (Mataji who wears saffron saree) seated behind and showing their backs to such seniors and great Vaishnavis such as Malati “Prabhu” (please also see the note at the end of the document) is a grave offense. He emphatically stated that matajis sitting in front (even though they are showing their backs to senior Men devotees) is the Vaishnava culture which is far superior to any local traditional cultures  (obviously he is attacking Tirupati ISKCON culture which, like other Vedic institutions, follows the tradition of men in the front and women at the back). He re-arranged the entire seating arrangement for his class, compelling the otherwise hesitant matajis of local congregation to occupy the front seats. Obviously he was not bothered about matajis and prabhujis seated in front showing their backs to many men Sanyasis and Gurus who were seated at back. Please see the picture below:

This is an example of complete disregard for Srila Prabhupada’s teachings from that morning walk in Rome, Aug 27, 1974. Whereaa Anuttama Prabhu preaches concepts of equality of women with men that Srila Prabhupada clearly denounced. Such actions are not only completely rude on the part of the visiting guest of Tirupati ISKCON center, his words and actions are against sastric guidelines. It is just like a visiting guest messing up the host’s furniture and kitchenette or even worst. This indicates that the “progressive” GBC already has a re-education program for the “backward” people of India so that they too can become “progressive.” 

Now this was not just an episode since Bhakti Marga Swami Maharaja took upon himself the role of “temple commander” for the remaining days of the MGM GBC meetings at ISKCON Tirupati, to ensure that matajis, although hesitant and feeling shy, were compelled to occupy front seats on an equal level with prabhujis for the Srimad Bhagavatam class, which was clearly against the tradition and custom of Vedic India and also that of the ISKCON Tirupati center. Is it because Anuttama Prabhu and Maharaja, being the GBCs, need not care for permission from ISKCON Tirupati temple president to do such changes since their backgrounds are from the West and are the “superior sahibs” to the Indian temple president. The following pictures clearly shows how Bhakti Marga Swami Maharaja ushering and compelling the women devotees who are seen blushing against their choice of seating to come up to the front. There is a video of Maharaja’s determination to compel and coerce innocent matajis to rebel against the local custom and traditions of mataji’s position. All this is done to just ensure that Malati Prabhu (Mataji) and her associates gets a seat up front and equal footing with male sanyasis and gurus.

Picture of BMS Maharaja’s ushering matajis.

This is exactly what the British East India Company did successfully during the 1600’s and 1700’s to break the Indian Krishna’s Vedic culture and instigate rebellions in the Vedic society and thus destroy and demonize varnasrama dharma. Thus if one thought that introduction of Female Diksa Guru or LGBT marriages by ISKCON international is only in the West and will not affect ISKCON India, as some of the Indian ISKCON leaders believe, they are only waiting for the history to repeat itself. The actions of the ISKCON international GBC members, as cited above, only indicate that ISKCON international is the new East India Company.

Breaking the tradition through misinterpretations of Sastra
1. Moreover Anuttama Prabhu, Malati Prabhu (Mataji) use their influence and power of being GBC members to recruit those devotees adept in twisting sastric injunctions through misinterpretations and political tactics. These recruits are not only so-called scholarly but are even adept at legal matters or professional advocates of modern egalitarian rights as “divorce lawyers”. These recruits are the GBC deviants’ boot on ground to facilitate socialization of asastric principles such as FDG, LGBT etc., into the very fabric of Krishna’s vedic culture of Asia and India. Some of those recruits includes and not limited to the devotees of pseudo-scholarly nature (and or born as brahmanas by birth) who exhibit double standards and exploit their academic Sanskrit grammar skills and political influence within ISKCON to achieve the hidden agenda of the deviants. These recruits are the sepoys of the ISKCON deviant army who claim very high of his birth as brahman by birth in front of Indian devotees but pose as very liberal in front of international GBC leaders. The deviants have very strong influence on the GBC that they spearhead the formation of Sastric Advisor Council (SAC) and appoint as leaders like Urmila Prabhu (Mataji), proponent and aspiring candidate of FDG, despite their conflict of interest. The deviants also engage these recruits to serve in key positions of SAC as sastric advisors. Some of these ex-SAC members are currently serving as GBC deputies and serve as sastric advisors for some leaders of the GBC. Hence, using the power, some of these deputies shamelessly twist sastra to their favour and at the same time conveniently neglect the sastra, sadhu, and guru vakyas. The devotee community in India either do not realise all these nuances or are wishful in thinking that these changes are not going to affect their day to day operations.

This article clearly establishes the fact that some of these deviant devotees occupying the highest offices of ISKCON GBC have had a very shady background and character even after joining ISKCON. Certainly these “devotees” who are divorcees or support divorce or drug addicts or LGBT or with shady character, deride and insult devotees from Krishna’s vedic culture/background. Thus they fully exploit their situation as “special disciples” of Srila Prabhupada to rule over the Indian devotees. It is high time that the ISKCON India leaders and member devotees wake up to these schemes and plots of these western deviants. If the ISKCON Indian article allows this then it is only clear that the ISKCON Indian devotees are only worse than the fourth frog that Sri Bhismadeva refers in his instructions to Yudistira Maharaja in Maha-Bharata. That fourth frog had no chance to learn even by experience and incorporate corrective actions because it was dead by the time it realized its mistakes. But if ISKCON Indian members knowing well the history of the atrocities of British rule in India and remain complacent and indifferent to similar episodes happening within ISKCON organization then they stand to enter into the history books as the “frog in the pot,” that allowed itself to be boiled.

An excerpt from the above source relevant to Malati “Prabhu” is presented below:
“On seeing the above image on the internet we did some investigation and found out that Malati dd, GBC and head of the Women’s Ministry, had indeed blooped in 1977, and then ran off with a sannyasi, Prithuputra x-Swami, whom she married and was involved in a ménage à trois that also included Bhugarbha x-swami. She got involved in satanism, black magic[14] and ran a brothel.[15] She and her lovers were heroin addicts and became HIV+. The two men died of AIDS. She became homeless and was found by Maha-vegavati mataji. In 1991 Malati dd eventually joined Kirtananda Swami, who had been excommunicated from ISKCON in January 1987. He gave her the order of sannyas[16]. In 1993 Kirtananda was finally exposed beyond a shadow of a doubt to be a child molester and thus New Vrndavan entered back into the ISKCON fold. That is when Malati dd finally rejoined ISKCON after a hiatus of 16 years. Seeing her many “qualifications” Ravindra Svarupa dasa[17] decided that she should become the GBC of New Vrndavana where she is known to drive around with a full-size murty of Srila Prabhupada in the passenger seat, virtue signaling her dedication to Srila Prabhupada. 
Malati dd completely rests on her past laurels and milks the sentiments of innocent devotees who think she is loyal to Prabhupada yet all the while keeping friendship with serious offenders of Srila Prabhupada and doing whatever she can to undermine Srila Prabhupada’s life mission.”

More about Malati dd’s (Melanie Nagel) extra-curricular activities can be found here (do a search for “Malati”):
Dark Agents
Cops were spellbound by idea of magician as killer
Patrick and Melanie: Early ISKCON History
Patrick Geoffroy? (If you get a security warning just click through it actually works).
Re Malati (scroll to #3)
ISKCON OPPORTUNISM and rise of the Masculine /Feminist Vaisnavis 

Disclaimer: The thoughts expressed in this article fully belong to the author of this article. This blog is just a medium to express them.


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    1. Furthermore, Kali yuga is when shudras will occupy the post of government. Such sentimental, short sightedness displayed by these GBC men reminds me of that. Where are our ksatriyas?

    2. It's disturbing how people like this are shaming men and sidelining them (along with HDG Srila Prabhupada), and then they expect them to become leaders? Oh wait, maybe they want women leaders from now on, they like being mothered.... I give up wondering.

      But worse is this hidden violence against women by encouraging independence. They must be living in a bubble unaware of the huge backlash going on against feminism. such as MGTOW or the Red Pill movement or the Fascinating Womanhood and Surrendered Wife circles who all have huge followings. All they are missing is the proper vision. In other words, feminism and women's rights was never the answer. Preaching to them Krishna consciousness was and still is!


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